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Help international charitable projects to have more positive impact. We are always looking for reliable partners who will usefully expand our global network.

Our society is undergoing a profound process of change, driven by the medium of the Internet and the megatrend of connectivity. The new type of network society that is emerging changes the general conditions for charitable action and opens up new opportunities and potentials for the future value of charitable work.

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Support us in exciting international projects as a networker, funding expert, catalyst, foundation, multiplier, company, or simply as a private person with a sense of the good cause!

We will gladly answer all questions personally and give you a more detailed overview of our current activities in the nonprofit sector.

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Two good reasons to work with brightmak:


Become a partner and benefit from the advantages of Corporate Social Responsibility
Companies take CSR seriously for a variety of reasons. Self-interest is one of them – and is an essential and quite positive driver for the topic. Because CSR is not a luxury, but something that companies can profit from economically.

Smaller, family-run companies often see themselves – following the example of the “honorable businessman” – obliged to make a contribution to sustainable business. Many entrepreneurs see it as their normative obligation to make a positive contribution, for the benefit of society, the workforce or the environment. Corporate responsibility is a normative, moral obligation to them.

CSR and corporate success

But CSR is more than a moral or ethical issue. CSR decides on the company’s success. The idea that economy and ecology, entrepreneurial action and social responsibility are opposites, and CSR according to luxury, which one must first be able to afford, is outdated. In the meantime, management theories are usually based on the opposite: companies that operate sustainably are often more successful in the long term. There are several reasons for that:


A high reputation as a responsible company helps to position you as an attractive employer on a labor market characterized by a shortage of skilled workers, increases customer loyalty or helps to open up new customer groups.


Energy and resource efficiency not only reduces the environmental impact of the business, but also reduces costs.

Risk minimization

Well-functioning occupational safety and health management reduces the costs of accident-related lost production and employee days lost.


Companies that adapt to changing circumstances at an early stage – such as rising energy costs, reduced availability of raw materials or stricter regulatory requirements – gain a competitive advantage.

CSR and capital market

A significant incentive for listed companies lies in the relevance of CSR for the capital market. Especially long-term oriented investors often invest preferentially in companies that operate more sustainably than their competitors. For institutional investors, such as life insurers and pension funds, sustainability criteria are important factors in the investment strategy.

The sustainability criteria and investment strategies developed by investors differ greatly: some work with exclusion criteria for certain business models (eg no investments in tobacco, pornography, armaments, nuclear power), others invest in the respectively most sustainable companies in a sector (best in class approach) or only in certain industries and business models such as renewable energy or environmental technologies.



Become a partner in an “entrepreneurial citizen engagement”

“Corporate Citizenship” (CC) means civic or social commitment. This is only a small part of corporate responsibility. This includes all donation, sponsorship and foundation activities as well as the promotion of voluntary charitable work by employees. They are usually not connected to the core business. Civic engagement is necessary, exists in Germany for a long time and plays a major social role. However, according to experts, it has not prevented climate change or the poverty of large sections of the population.
Corporate Citizenship is the systematically operated civic and social commitment of companies. Corporate Citizenship has established in Germany as an integral part of the corporate culture. More and more companies are committed to the common good as a good citizen and a good citizen, thus assuming additional social responsibility. They integrate social commitment into their corporate strategy and make it an integral part of their corporate culture. Both sides – ie the economy as well as the community – win with this type of entrepreneurial commitment.

A company can “get involved” in social engagement at three different levels, according to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) (, 2010):

1. Try engagement

The company is trying out new forms of social engagement and is beginning to focus more on the business value of different projects. The activities take effect immediately and require no major preparatory work. However, continuity is low, and the budget and scale of resources deployed will have to be rediscounted from year to year or at even shorter intervals.

2. Develop and implement long-term projects in cooperation with a non-profit organization

The company develops longer-term cooperation projects and combines these with targeted benefits for the company. Due to the greater continuity, a higher efficiency and a better orientation towards the company’s benefit arise.

3. Develop and implement corporate citizenship strategy.

The company develops a corporate citizenship strategy that aligns engagements with its overall corporate goals, optimizing the benefits of corporate citizenship to the business and community. This will bring greater benefits to the company and community in the medium and long term. However, this requires longer conceptual preparation and greater use of resources before any benefit arises.

The 10 golden rules for successful corporate citizenship can be viewed on the internet. It is also recommended to use a corporate citizenship mix of i.a. “Corporate Giving”, “Corporate Foundations”, “Corporate Volunteering” and “Social Sponsoring” [Source: Corporate Citizenship Mix (, 2010). These voluntary activities of an entrepreneurial citizen engagement are acknowledged in the respective business or social report of the company.


Sustainable Brand Alliance

In the spring of 2021, we started to build and continuously develop our own sustainable brand network. Brightmak is a direct participant in the aforementioned eCommerce brands. We support with digital know-how, offer financial advice and share visibility, digital reach and potential website traffic with our partners in sustainable online business: · · ·

Become a partner now. Please contact us. Use our contact form!